We All Need to Work Effectively With Overseas Born Australians
This means Australians are from increasingly diverse cultural groups. It’s essential that your staff can work with all Australians, regardless of their background.
Introduction to Cultural Competence is a series of online training courses that gives your staff the key skills and knowledge to work with people from different cultures. It is practical, logical and creates genuine staff engagement through interactive multimedia activities.
The training works on desktop, tablet or mobile phone so your staff can complete the training on their preferred device.
The training gives practical strategies for reducing misunderstandings caused by culture or language, both with clients and internally. It sets a clear organisational agenda for cross-cultural practices and creates an opportunity for you to make these practices routine.
Australians Born Overseas
Why Cultural Competence Training?
- Understand your clients’ needs and know how to respond
- Deliver better services to diverse communities
- Grow your client base of overseas born Australians
- Prevent cross-cultural communication mistakes and client complaints
- Get and keep diverse staff by improving inclusion
Grow Your Organisation
- Improve services to your clients
- Improve communications
- Reduce complaints
Strong Communities
- Build a positive reputation
- Improve market reach
- Expand client reach
Grow/ Develop Your People
- Attract new and different talent
- Improve staff retention
- Become an employer of choice
Support For Management
- Meet legal obligations
- Improve OH&S
- Improve workplace satisfaction
Our Cultural Competence Online Courses

Introduction to Cultural Competence - Unit 1: Key Knowledge
Unit 1 gives your staff a framework to understand Australian cultural diversity. It sets a clear, positive agenda for how staff can create a culturally responsive workplace. Staff learn how cultural competence can help them reduce structural factors that create poorer outcomes for migrants and refugees in Australia.
Perfect for all staff who need to understand the basics of cultural competence.

Introduction to Cultural Competence - Unit 2: Practical Skills
Unit 2 lets your staff practice the skills they need to work effectively with migrants and refugees. This unit has practical activities that show your staff how to reduce unconscious bias, use plain language and check their clients understanding.
The perfect add-on to Unit 1 for staff who work in-depth with migrant and refugee clients.

Working with Interpreters
Interpreters are key to providing service access to clients who have limited English.
In this course, staff learn the skills and knowledge they need to confidently book and work with interpreters.
An in-depth primer or refresher for staff who work with interpreters.
Some of our Clients

“We are happy to have over 1500 staff training to improve cultural competence with CEH”
Ready to get started?
Try the Free Demo or Purchase the Course
Frequently Asked Questions
For Organisations
How Does cultural competency training help organisations?
- Understand your clients’ needs and know how to respond
- Deliver better service to diverse communities
- Grow your client base
- Create a unique competitive advantage
- Prevent communication mistakes by understanding cross-cultural communication
- Increase productivity by understanding and harnessing a diverse workforce
How is the training delivered?
Courses are delivered either:
- online using our Learning Management System (LMS). This is a self-paced course and can be completed at the learner’s convenience. On completion, a certificate will be issued by the system.
- online using our Learning Management System with your own branded section. Your users will see a customised login page, your logo. You will get an admin user account where you can monitor user progress and export reports. There is a small setup for this service.
- through your own LMS. For larger purchases we offer access to our course SCORM files for uploading into your LMS.
If you want more information please contact us here.
How much does the course cost?
For Organisations
The price depends on the number of people you are expecting to train. Organisations wishing to roll out Cultural Competence Training to more than 50 staff members, please contact us for special pricing and/or a customised solution.
There are several payment options available for businesses and organisations – please contact us to discuss the best option for you.
Individuals wanting to access this course can purchase the course via credit card from here.
Please register and log into the online learning portal first.
For Individuals
How Does this training help me?
- Understand your clients’ needs and know how to respond
- Deliver better service to diverse communities
- Prevent communication mistakes by understanding cross-cultural communication
- Receive a certificate of completion that may be used towards continuous professional development (CPD)
How is the training delivered?
This course is delivered online using our Learning Management System (LMS). This is a self paced course and can be completed at the learners convenience. On completion a certificate will be issued by the system.
How long does it take to complete?
Our self-paced course generally takes between 30 to 45mins to complete. It has been designed to allow study at any time of the day. Participants can choose to leave and return to the course at a later time, with the knowledge that their progress is always tracked and saved.
How To Get started?
Getting started is easy, visit our online learning portal and register for free.
Once you have registered and logged in, select a course you wish to commence. Access is automatically granted once payment via a credit card is made.